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格格党 > 爱神的黑白羽翼3 > 第二十四章 一直要这样

第二十四章 一直要这样






i hear the wind call my name 我听见风呼唤我的名字

the sound that leads me home again 这个声音再度引领我回归

it sparks up the fire - a flame that still burns 它点燃我不灭的信念

to you i'll always return 你是我亘古不变的归宿

i know the road is long不畏惧前路迢迢,

but where you are is home因为有你的地方就是家

wherever you stay - i'll find a way无论你身在何处,我终会到达

i'll run like a river 我要如河流般奔腾不息

i'll follow the sun我要追逐着那太阳

i'll fly like an eagle 我要如苍鹰般翱翔

to where i belong只为回到你的身旁!

i can't stand the distance 无法承受的遥远距离

i can't dream alone独自一人无法实现的梦想

i can't wait to see you 迫不及待的想念

yes i'm on my way home为此我已踏上漫漫征途

now i know it's true 此刻我无比坚信

my every road leads to you 长路的终点有你在等候

and in the hour of darkness 迷途的时候

your light gets me through 你的光亮将为我指引

you run like a river 像奔腾的河水!

you shine like the sun像闪耀的太阳!

you fly like an eagle像翱翔的苍鹰!

you are the one 你怎能不是唯一?

i've seen every sunset无数次落日

and with all that i've learned只使我更加相信

oh it's to you - i will always, always return因为有你,我终将、终将回归!

be the finale and always return


火曜飞——i can fly again(歌词翻译来自网络)


中岛美嘉——glamorous sky

bryan adams—— i will always return(finale)

